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Issue 0031 in split format

get rid of one of nbench_bytes and nbench-bytes ; Owner: Tim ; Reporter: Tim ; Status: closed ; Priority: medium
; Summary: get rid of one of nbench_bytes and nbench-bytes
; Owner: Tim
; Reporter: Tim
; Status: closed
; Priority: medium

Description [edit section]

= Description =
This appears to be a copy-paste error.
Get rid of the one which doesn't follow the test naming conventions. (test names should use underscores), so that would be nbench-bytes.
Get rid of the one which doesn't follow the test naming conventions.
(test names should use underscores), so that would be nbench-bytes.

Notes [edit section]

Fuego naming rules
= Notes =
Benchmark.nbench-bytes was removed.  See [[Fuego naming rules]]

Fuego Issues List

; backlink: [[Fuego Issues List]]
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