Issue_0048 >> Fuego_naming_rules 

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Fuego naming rules

To add boards or write tests for Fuego, you have to create a number of files and define a number of variables.

Here are some rules and conventions for naming things in Fuego:

Fuego test name [edit section]

  • a Fuego test name must have one of the following prefixes:
    • 'Functional."
    • 'Benchmark."
  • the name following the prefix is known as the base test name, and has the following rules:
    • it may only use letters, numbers and underscores
      • that is - no dashes
    • it may use upper and lower case letters
  • All test definition materials reside in a directory with the full test name:
    • e.g. Functional.hello_world

Test files [edit section]

  • the base script file has the name
  • the default spec file for a test has name spec.json
  • the default criteria file for a test has the name criteria.json
  • the reference file for a test has the name reference.json
  • the parser module for a test has the filename

Test spec names [edit section]

Test spec names are declared in the spec file for a test. These names should consist of letters, numbers and underscores only. That is, no periods should be used in spec names.

Every test should have at least one spec, called the 'default' spec. If no spec file exists for a test, then Fuego generates a 'default' spec (on-the-fly), which is empty (ie. has no test variables).

Board names [edit section]

  • boards are defined by files in the /fuego-ro/boards directory
  • their filenames consists of the board name, with the suffix ".board"
    • e.g. beaglebone.board
  • a board name should have only letters, numbers and underscores.
    • specifically, no dashes, periods, or other punctuation is allowed

Jenkins element names [edit section]

Several of the items in Fuego are represented in the Jenkins interface. The following sections describe the names used for these elements.

Node name [edit section]

  • A Jenkins node corresponding to a board must have the same name as the board.
    • e.g. beaglebone

Job name [edit section]

  • A Jenkins job is used to execute a test.
  • Jenkins job names should consist of these parts: <board>.<spec>.<test_name>
    • e.g. beaglebone.default.Functional.hello_world

Run identifier [edit section]

A Fuego run identifier is used to refer to a "run" of a test - that is a particular invocation of a test and it's resulting output, logs and artifacts. A run identifier should be unique throughout the world, as these are used in servers where data from runs from different hosts are stored.

The parts of a run id are separated by dashes, except that the separator between the host and the board is a colon.

A fully qualified (global) run identifier consist of the following parts:

  • test name
  • spec name
  • build number
  • the word "on"
  • host
  • board

FIXTHIS - global run ids should include timestamps to make them globally unique for all time

Example: Functional.LTP-quickhit-3-on-timdesk:beaglebone

A shortened run identifier may omit the "on" and "host". This is referred to as a local run id, and is only valid on the host where the run was produced.


  • Functional.netperf-default-2-minnow

timestamp [edit section]

  • A Fuego timestamp has the format: YYYY-mm-dd_HH:MM:SS
    • e.g. 2017-03-29_10:25:14
  • times are expressed in localtime (relative to the host where they are created)

test identifiers [edit section]

Also know as TGUIDs (or test globally unique identifiers), a test identifier refers to a single unit of test operation or result from the test system. A test identifier may refer to a testcase or an individual test measure.

They consist of a several parts, some of which may be omitted in some circumstances

The parts are:

  • testsuite name
  • testset name
  • testcase name
  • measure name

Legal characters for these parts are letters, numbers, and underscores. Only testset names may include a period ("."), as that is used as the separator between constituent parts of the identifier.

testcase identifiers should be consistent from run-to-run of a test, and should be globally unique.

test identifiers may be in fully-qualified form, or in shortened form - missing some parts. The following rules are used to convert between from shortened forms to fully-qualified forms.

If the testsuite name is missing, then the base name of the test is used.

  • e.g. Functional.jpeg has a default testsuite name of "jpeg"

If the testset name is missing, then the testset name is "default".

A test id may refer to one of two different items:

  • a testcase id
  • a measure id

A fully qualified test identifier consists of a testsuite name, testset name and a testcase name. Shortened names may be used, in which case default values will be used for some parts, as follows:

If a result id has only 1 part, it is the testcase name. The testset name is considered to be "default", and the testsuite name is the base name of the test.

That is, for the fuego test Functional.jpeg, a shortened tguid of "test4", the fully qualified name would be:

  • jpeg.default.test4

If a result id has 2 parts, then the first part is the testset name and the second is the testcase name, and the testsuite name is the base name of the test.

measure id [edit section]

A measure identifier consists of a testsuide id, testset id, testcase id and measure name.

A shortened measure id may not consist of less than 2 parts. If it only has 2 parts, the first part is the testcase id, and the second part is the measure name. In all cases the last part of the name is the measure name, the second-to-last part of the name is the testcase name.

If there are three parts, the first part is the testset name.

Test variable names [edit section]

Test variable names are defined in the board file, and by the user via 'ftc set-var'. Also they are generated from variables declared in spec files. The consist of all upper-case, using only letters and underscores

Some test variable prefixes and suffixes are used in a consistent way.

Dependency check variables [edit section]

The following is the preferred format for variables used in dependency checking code:
  • PROGRAM_FOO - require program 'foo' on target. The program name is upper-cased, punctuation or spaces are replaced with '_', and the name is prefixed with 'PROGRAM_'. The value of variable is full path on target where program resides.
    • ex: PROGRAM_BC=/usr/bin/bc

  • HEADER_FOO - require header file 'foo' in SDK. The header filename is stripped of its suffix (I don’t know if that's a good idea or not), upper-cased, punctuation or spaces are replaced with '_', and the name is prefixed with 'HEADER_'. The value of variable is the full path in the SDK of the header file:
    • ex: HEADER_FOO=/opt/poky2.1.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/include/foo.h

  • SDK_LIB_FOO - require 'foo' library in SDK. The library filename is stripped of the 'lib' prefix and .so suffix, upper-cased, punctuation and spaces are replaced with '_', and the name is prefixed with 'SDK_LIB_'. The value of the variable is the full path in the SDK of the library.
    • ex: SDK_LIB_FOO=/opt/poky2.1.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/lib/
    • Note that in case a static library is required (.a), then the variable name should include that suffix:
    • ex: SDK_LIB_FOO_A=/opt/poky1.2.1/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/lib/libfoo.a

  • TARGET_LIB_FOO - require 'foo' library on target. The library filename is stripped of the 'lib' prefix and .so suffix (not sure this is a good idea, as we potentially lose a library version requirement), upper-cased, punctuation and spaces are replaced with '_', and the name is prefixed with 'TARGET_LIB_'. The value of the variable is the full path of the library on the target board.
    • ex: TARGET_LIB_FOO=/usr/lib/

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