
Fuego wiki

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Summary [edit section]

= Summary = is the overlay generator for Fuego.  It is used to process the
"overlay" files, which is a system of files in shell format (board and distribution) and json format (specs and plans), to produce a shell script
that is executed during a test.
See Overlay Generation and Test Specs and Plans for more information about Fuego's overlay generation system.
See [[Overlay Generation]] and [[Test Specs and Plans]] for more information
about Fuego's overlay generation system.

arguments [edit section]

== arguments ==
Here are the arguments available for
  * --classdir <classdir> - directory where 'class' file can be found
     * ex: /fuego-core/engine/overlays/base
  * --ovfiles <ovfile1> [<ovfile2> ...] - list of files with overlay definitions
     * ex: /fuego-core/engine/overlays/distribs/nologger.dist
     * ex: /fuego-ro/conf/boards/qemu-arm.board
  * --testplans <testplan1> [<testplan2> ...] - list of testplans to use to generation test variables
     * ex: /fuego-core/engine/overlays/testplans/testplan_default.json
  * --output <output_filename>
     * ex: /fuego-rw/work/
  * --debug {1,2,3} - specify a debug level for overlay generation

output [edit section]

== output ==
The output of is a "prolog" file, which has all the environment variable definitions and shell functions that were defined by the specified
overlay files.
This takes into account the special actions of 'inherit' and 'include'.
This takes into account the special actions of 'inherit' and 'include'.
TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird