function bench processing in 'raw' format
= NAME = bench_processing = SYNOPSIS = bench_processing = DESCRIPTION = Process the log files for benchmark tests. It calls get_testlog, and then executes the test's [[]] program, to parse the log and check the threshold. Also, it calls [[]] to populate the files used for plotting the benchmark data. = EXAMPLES = Here are some sample invocations: {{{#!YellowBox bench_processing }}} = ENVIRONMENT and ARGUMENTS = Here are environment variables used in this function: * $GEN_TESTRES_FILE * $TESTDIR * $BOARD_TESTDIR * $PYTHON_ARGS * $FUEGO_CORE * $LOGDIR = RETURN = Returns non-zero on error. = SOURCE = Located in ''scripts/'' = SEE ALSO = * [[Parser module API]], [[function_firmware|firmware]], [[function_get_testlog|get_testlog]], [[]], [[]]