Release_1.5_testing_-_2019-08-13 >> Release_1.6_testing_-_2024-03-26 

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Release 1.6 testing - 2024-03-26

Here are some notes on testing the 1.6 release, using the next branch (with new docker Debian version (bullseye) and Jenkins version (2.414.1)

The container is: fuego-322-container, corresponding to directory: /home/tbird/work/fuego/next-2024-03-22/fuego

See an overview issues table at Release test results

to do [edit section]

  • categorize all bugs
    • likely location: core, test, board, toolchain, lab, unknown
    • severity: high, medium, low
    • time to fix: short, long
    • priority: 5=high, 1=low, 0=defer

Resolution key:

  • CANDIDATE - is a candidate for fixing this release
  • RESEARCH - needs more research to categorize and prioritize
  • TRANSIENT - problem went away with subsequent test and no change in Fuego
  • LOCAL (lab,board) - problem was with setup, config, board status, board, or toolchain, and issue can be ignored
  • IGNORE - ignore (not a problem)
  • FIXED - problem fixed with change in Fuego
  • DEFER - problem exists, but will not be fixed in this release

uncategorized issues list [edit section]

deferred from 1.4 release [edit section]


new errors [edit section]

  • xx. (distro) docker.default.Functional.fuego_board_check - missing /sbin/reboot
    • /sbin/reboot is present on host as a symlink to /bin/systemctl
    • this is expected
  • xx. Can't easily navigate to LTP individual test logs in Jenkins interface

old errors [edit section]

  • Benchmark.GLMark - build failure on multiple platforms (missing glew.h, missing libSDL)

Errors by test [edit section]

  • Whetstone - (run phase, bbb & min1) version `GLIBC_2.29' not found - probable toolchain problem? (toolchain too new for board)?
  • min1.default.Functional.netperf - build error 0 Dhrystone - (run phase, rpi3-2) bad intepreter (error is 'dhrystone not found'), but the file is present. Interpreter is /lib/, but rpi3-2 has ld-linux /lib/
    • did I upgrade the distro on rpi3-2 to 64-bit?

low priority:

  • Dhrystone - (processing, docker & ren1) not enough loops (using spec '500M' works)

Errors by board [edit section]

bbb board [edit section]

# ftc list-runs --where "start_time>4 days ago,status!=PASS,board=bbb"

.. add data here ...

min1 board [edit section]

Here are the tests that had issues:

  • min1.default.Benchmark.Whetstone - version GLIBC_2.29 not found

# ftc list-runs --where board=min1,status!=PASS
... add data here...

Here are the LTP non-PASS results:

# ftc gen-report --where board=min1,test=LTP,tguid:result!=PASS
... add data here ...

--- Here is the reason for each LTP failure (with some comments)

UPDATE this table!!
 tguid                 tguid:result
 syscalls.fanotify06   FAIL  - segfault
 syscalls.msgctl11     FAIL  - queue mismatch
 syscalls.open10       FAIL  - setgid not set
 syscalls.creat08      FAIL  - setgid not set
 sem_init.sem_init_7-1 SKIP  - ??? (RESEARCH)

ren1 board [edit section]

# ftc list-runs --where board=ren1,status!=PASS

..add data here ..

Here is the LTP report for non-PASS tests:

# ftc gen-report --where board=ren1,test=LTP,tguid:result!=PASS

.. add data here ..

Here are LTP details:

To get sorted testcase names:

  • $ ftc gen-report --where board=ren1,test=LTP,tguid:result!=PASS --fields tguid,tguid:result | sort

.. add data here ..

fuego-test board [edit section]

  • (CANDIDATE) fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_abort - reports SKIP, but should be OK (behavior is correct)
    • should turn this test into a nested test, that checks for correct messages in the console log
  • (CANDIDATE) fuego-test.default.fuego_board_check - missing /sbin/reboot in container
  • fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_ftc_test - testcase 6 (ftc query-board differences)
  • fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_lint - expected failures
  • fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_release_test -
  • fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_slow_log -

# ftc list-runs --where board=fuego-test,status!=PASS

Runs on this host:
  Test                          Status
  ---------------------------   ------
  Functional.fuego_abort        SKIP - OK (CANDIDATE)
  Functional.fuego_board_check  FAIL - missing /sbin/reboot
  Functional.fuego_compare_reports FAIL - missing baseline
  Functional.fuego_ftc_test     FAIL - (FIXED) testcase 3 - ftc help, testcase 6 - quoting of variables
  Functional.fuego_lint         FAIL - 559 errors in ftc (ok for now)
  Functional.fuego_release_test FAIL - (CANDIDATE) password is required
  Functional.fuego_slow_log     FAIL - (FIXED) syntax error near unexpected token done

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