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Release 1.6 testing in 'raw' format

Here are some notes about the status of Fuego core and Fuego tests, for
the 1.6 release.

= January 2023 =
== Test Status ==
=== board tests ===
 - Benchmark.GLMark - does not compile on bbb, does not compile on min1
   - this test of OpenGL functionality requires special libraries which are not usually available for a board
 - Benchmark.Interbench - hangs on bbb, runs ok on min1
 - Benchmark.Java - xalan sub-benchmark doesn't work on min1, but does on timdesk-old
   - error is: ./scratch/xalan/terms.xml (No such file or directory) and ./scratch/xalan/template.xml (No such file or directory)

=== fuego tests ===
 - fuego_yaml_report - 70/206 found, 136/206 missing
 - fuego_lint - 687 problems by flake8

= March 2024 =
This is a test of the 'new container' changes, which are in the 
'next' repo as of 2024-03-22

See [[Release 1.6 testing - 2024-03-26]]

TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird