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Release 1.5 testing - 2019-05-02 in split format

Here are some notes on testing the 1.4 release (using fuego-1211-container, with a rolling master branch through December 2018 and January 2019):
Here are some notes on testing the 1.4 release (using fuego-1211-container,
with a rolling master branch through December 2018 and January 2019):
See an overview issues table at Release test results
See an overview issues table at [[Release test results]]

to do [edit section]

Release 1.4 testing - 2018-12-26 - categorize all bugs - likely location: core, test, board, toolchain, lab, unknown - severity: high, medium, low - time to fix: short, long - priority: 5=high, 1=low, 0=defer
= to do =
 - review bugs labeled as FIXED in [[Release 1.4 testing - 2018-12-26]]
 - categorize all bugs
   - likely location: core, test, board, toolchain, lab, unknown
   - severity: high, medium, low
   - time to fix: short, long
   - priority: 5=high, 1=low, 0=defer
Resolution key: - CANDIDATE - is a candidate for fixing this release - RESEARCH - needs more research to categorize and prioritize - TRANSIENT - problem went away with subsequent test and no change in Fuego - LOCAL (lab,board) - problem was with setup, config, board status, board, or toolchain, and issue can be ignored - IGNORE - ignore (not a problem) - FIXED - problem fixed with change in Fuego - DEFER - problem exists, but will not be fixed in this release
Resolution key:
 - CANDIDATE - is a candidate for fixing this release
 - RESEARCH - needs more research to categorize and prioritize
 - TRANSIENT - problem went away with subsequent test and no change in Fuego
 - LOCAL (lab,board) - problem was with setup, config, board status, board, or toolchain, and issue can be ignored
 - IGNORE - ignore (not a problem)
 - FIXED - problem fixed with change in Fuego
 - DEFER - problem exists, but will not be fixed in this release

uncategorized issues list [edit section]

= uncategorized issues list =
== deferred from 1.4 release ==
 - 1. (test) LTP runs for too long with nothing showing on the console.  Jenkins should show the current testcase being run, or something.
   - would require output from
 - 4. (core) Jenkins doesn't show different color for ERROR (timeout or abort)
 - 6. (core) '''bbb.default.Benchmark.cyclictest''' it's not easy to find the threshold value.  It's not in run.json.  It's on the chart, but with multiple boards it's hard to isolate and find
   - could add checkboxes for series.
   - could add reference value to run.json
   - could copy reference.log or reference.json to log directory
   - could have parser add reference check failure to console log
 - 7. (core) '''ftc rm-jobs rpi3-1.*.*.*''' - can't do rm-jobs outside the container! (annoying, but whatever)
    - required due to possible interactive confirmation
    - should be able to rm-jobs without being inside the container
    - should be able to do interactive commands even when forwarding to the container ftc
 - 9. RESEARCH (test) '''min1.default.Functional.LTP''' - new failure for open10
 - 10. RESEARCH (test)''' min1.default.Functional.LTP''' - new failure for creat08
 - 11. (core?) need to have test indicate whether error code indicates error or failure
   - example: x11perf - non-zero = error (not failure)
 - 16. CANDIDATE, HIGH (core) '''fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_release_test'''
    - problem with Python 3 dependencies in docker project (requests requires urllib3, which is missing dependencies?)
 = ==== doing fuego phase: run =====
/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/requests/ RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.9.1) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/fuego-core/engine/tests/Functional.fuego_release_test/", line 15, in <module>
    import docker
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/docker/", line 2, in <module>
    from .api import APIClient
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/docker/api/", line 2, in <module>
    from .client import APIClient
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/docker/api/", line 5, in <module>
    import requests
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/requests/", line 105, in <module>
    from urllib3.exceptions import DependencyWarning
ImportError: cannot import name 'DependencyWarning'
  • 17. (board) rpi3-2.default.Functional.fuego_dependencies - - can't find kconfig - missing /proc/config.gz or /boot/config-4.9.41-v7+ (but has /lib/modules.../configs.ko) - 18. (test) rpi3-2.default.Functional.fuego_sleep - timed out - timeout from testplan_fuego_tests is too short - 19. (core) test that fails pre-check is shown as 'not run' in Jenkins - 20. (core) test that fails pre-check has no result code (listed as None) in 'ftc gen-report' - 22. (test) ren1.default.Functional.LTP_one_test.syscalls.add_key_02 - timeout is not converted to Fuego ERROR - the LTP parser should convert a timed-out test in LTP into a Fuego ERROR in the run.json file. It doesn't do this.
 - 17. (board) '''rpi3-2.default.Functional.fuego_dependencies''' - - can't find kconfig
    - missing /proc/config.gz or /boot/config-4.9.41-v7+ (but has /lib/modules.../configs.ko)
 - 18. (test) '''rpi3-2.default.Functional.fuego_sleep''' - timed out
    - timeout from testplan_fuego_tests is too short
 - 19. (core) test that fails pre-check is shown as 'not run' in Jenkins
 - 20. (core) test that fails pre-check has no result code (listed as None) in 'ftc gen-report'
 - 22. (test) '''ren1.default.Functional.LTP_one_test.syscalls.add_key_02''' - timeout is not converted to Fuego ERROR
    - the LTP parser should convert a timed-out test in LTP into a Fuego ERROR in the run.json file.  It doesn't do this.

new errors [edit section]

http://localhost:8090/fuego/job/docker.Info:.Functional.batch_hello/Info:/ nested-4 ok 2 - Functional.batch_hello }}} - xx. (distro) docker.default.Functional.fuego_board_check - missing /sbin/reboot - /sbin/reboot is present on host as a symlink to /bin/systemctl - xx. ren1.default.Functional.hello_world (run 3) - problem importing filelock - python traceback in trying to import module 'filelock' - problem is in - re-declaration of ORIG_PATH - xx. ftc query-board -b fuego_test - python error
== new errors ==
 - xx. batch testcase names end in underscore in underscore
     - log_this should not put trailing space in hostlog.txt
     - or, have parser trim trailing whitespace (regex?) or python code?
 - xx. (core) '''docker.default.Functional.batch_nested''' - nested batch test has invalid job page link in hostlog.txt
     - shown as "Info:", when it should be '2' (see run 1)
Running test Functional.batch_hello
Log dir: logs/Functional.batch_hello/docker.Info:.Info:.Info:
Job page: http://localhost:8090/fuego/job/docker.Info:.Functional.batch_hello/Info:/
[[nested-4]] ok 2 - Functional.batch_hello
  - xx. (distro) '''docker.default.Functional.fuego_board_check''' - missing /sbin/reboot
      - /sbin/reboot is present on host as a symlink to /bin/systemctl
  - xx. '''ren1.default.Functional.hello_world''' (run 3) - problem importing filelock
      - python traceback in trying to import module 
      - problem is in - re-declaration of ORIG_PATH
  - xx. '''ftc query-board -b fuego_test''' - python error
root@timdesk:/fuego-rw# ftc query-board -b ftc-test
Information for board: ftc-test
ARCHITECTURE : "arm" EXPAT_SUBTEST_COUNT_NEG : "41" EXPAT_SUBTEST_COUNT_POS : "1769" FUEGO_HOME : "/home/a" Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/ftc", line 5275, in <module> main() File "/usr/local/bin/ftc", line 5260, in main do_query_board(bvars, options) File "/usr/local/bin/ftc", line 4203, in do_query_board if value.find('\n') == -1: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'find'
             ARCHITECTURE : "arm"
               FUEGO_HOME : "/home/a"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/ftc", line 5275, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/bin/ftc", line 5260, in main
    do_query_board(bvars, options)
  File "/usr/local/bin/ftc", line 4203, in do_query_board
    if value.find('\n') == -1:
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'find'

[edit section]

= ==== doing fuego phase: processing =====
log_compare: pattern 'SUCCESS' found 1 times (expected greater or equal than 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/fuego-core/scripts/", line 30, in <module>
  File "/fuego-core/scripts/parser/", line 701, in process
    from prepare_chart_data import store_flat_results, make_chart_data
  File "/fuego-core/scripts/parser/", line 36, in <module>
    from filelock import FileLock
ImportError: No module named filelock
       - need to update all files in ~/work/fuego-reference
       - need to make sure following are reviewed:
         - ./$PATH
         - ./$PATH
         - ./$PATH
         - ./$PATH
         - ./$PATH
         - ./$PATH
 - xx. Can't easily navigate to LTP individual test logs in Jenkins interface

old errors [edit section]

Benchmark.GLMark - build failure on multiple platforms (missing glew.h, missing libSDL)
= old errors =
 - [[Benchmark.GLMark]] - build failure on multiple platforms (missing glew.h, missing libSDL)

Errors by board [edit section]

= Errors by board =
# ftc list-runs --where "start_time>4 days ago,status!=PASS,board=bbb"

bbb board [edit section]

== bbb board ==
 - (old) '''bbb.default.Benchmark.GLMark''' - missing GL/glew.h
 - (old) '''bbb.default.Benchmark.Interbench''' - run error: hangs in Audio test
 - '''bbb.default.Benchmark.gtkperf''' - build error: configure error: checking for gtk+-2.0 gdk-2.0
 - '''bbb.default.Benchmark.X11perf''' - missing X libs
 - (RESEARCH) '''bbb.default.Functional.glib''' - missing gettext lib
Runs on this host: 
  Test                           Status 
  --------------------------- -  ------ 
  Benchmark.Dhrystone            ERROR - fixed
  Benchmark.GLMark               SKIP - build error: GL/glew.h: No such file or directory
  Benchmark.Interbench           ERROR - run error: hangs in Audio test 
  Benchmark.Java                 SKIP - no java: OK  
  Benchmark.gtkperf              SKIP - build error: configure error: checking for gtk+-2.0 gdk-2.0 ...
  Benchmark.netpipe              SKIP - missing NPtcp in host container, missing netpipe-tcp in container
  Benchmark.x11perf              SKIP - missing X libs
  Functional.LTP                 FAIL - multiple failures  
  Functional.bc                  ERROR  
  Functional.fontconfig          SKIP   
  Functional.ft2demos            SKIP   
  Functional.fuego_abort         SKIP   
  Functional.fuego_compare_reports FAIL - not configured
  Functional.fuego_ftc_test        FAIL
  Functional.fuego_lint            FAIL   
  Functional.fuego_release_test    FAIL   
  Functional.fuego_slow_log        FAIL   
  Functional.fuego_test_variables  FAIL - expected 
  Functional.glib                  SKIP   
  Functional.hello_world           FAIL - expected (spec=fail)
Runs on this host: 
  Test                           Status 
  --------------------------- -  ------ 
  Benchmark.Dhrystone            ERROR - fixed
  Benchmark.GLMark               SKIP - build error: GL/glew.h: No such file or directory
  Benchmark.Interbench           ERROR - run error: hangs in Audio test 
  Benchmark.Java                 SKIP - no java: OK  
  Benchmark.gtkperf              SKIP - build error: configure error: checking for gtk+-2.0 gdk-2.0 ...
  Benchmark.netpipe              SKIP - missing NPtcp in host container, missing netpipe-tcp in container
  Benchmark.x11perf              SKIP - missing X libs
  Functional.LTP                 FAIL - multiple failures  
  Functional.bc                  ERROR  
  Functional.fontconfig          SKIP   
  Functional.ft2demos            SKIP   
  Functional.fuego_abort         SKIP   
  Functional.fuego_compare_reports FAIL - not configured
  Functional.fuego_ftc_test        FAIL
  Functional.fuego_lint            FAIL   
  Functional.fuego_release_test    FAIL   
  Functional.fuego_slow_log        FAIL   
  Functional.fuego_test_variables  FAIL - expected 
  Functional.glib                  SKIP   
  Functional.hello_world           FAIL - expected (spec=fail)
  • CANDIDATE bbb.default.Benchmark.netpipe' - run error: missing NPtcp in docker container - /usr/bin/NPtcp is provided by Debian package netpipe-tcp - + add netpipe-tcp to Dockerfile
 - CANDIDATE '''bbb.default.Benchmark.netpipe' - run error: missing NPtcp in docker container
   - /usr/bin/NPtcp is provided by Debian package netpipe-tcp
   - + add netpipe-tcp to Dockerfile

min1 board [edit section]

== min1 board ==
Here are the tests that had issues:
# ftc list-runs --where board=min1,status!=PASS
Runs on this host:
  Test                         Status
  ---------------------------  ------
  Benchmark.GLMark             SKIP - build errror, missing GL/glew.h (old)
  Benchmark.cyclictest         FAIL - non-rt kernel 
  Benchmark.ffsb               SKIP - current utilization = 1844660474359607984128.00% (RESEARCH)
  Benchmark.gtkperf            SKIP - build error: configure error: checking for gtk+-2.0 gdk-2.0 (old)
  Benchmark.signaltest         FAIL - non-rt kernel
  Benchmark.x11perf            SKIP - runtime: unable to open display ':0
  Functional.LTP               FAIL - see below
  Functional.glib              SKIP - build error: missing gettext support (RESEARCH)

Here are the LTP non-PASS results: {{{ # ftc gen-report --where board=min1,test=LTP,tguid:result!=PASS ====================================================================== **** Fuego Test Report **** test : LTP board : min1 kernel : 4.15.0-33-generic timestamp : 2019-05-03_12:57:07 report_date : 2019-05-08_00:30:28 ====================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_name spec board timestamp tguid tguid:result -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Functional.LTP default min1 2019-05-03_12:57:07 syscalls FAIL Functional.LTP default min1 2019-05-03_12:57:07 syscalls.fanotify06 FAIL Functional.LTP default min1 2019-05-03_12:57:07 syscalls.msgctl11 FAIL Functional.LTP default min1 2019-05-03_12:57:07 syscalls.open10 FAIL Functional.LTP default min1 2019-05-03_12:57:07 syscalls.creat08 FAIL Functional.LTP default min1 2019-05-03_12:57:07 sem_init.sem_init_7-1 SKIP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }}}
Here are the LTP non-PASS results:
# ftc gen-report --where board=min1,test=LTP,tguid:result!=PASS
           **** Fuego Test Report ****
  test                : LTP
  board               : min1
  kernel              : 4.15.0-33-generic
  timestamp           : 2019-05-03_12:57:07
  report_date         : 2019-05-08_00:30:28
  test_name      spec    board timestamp           tguid                 tguid:result 
  Functional.LTP default min1  2019-05-03_12:57:07 syscalls              FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default min1  2019-05-03_12:57:07 syscalls.fanotify06   FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default min1  2019-05-03_12:57:07 syscalls.msgctl11     FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default min1  2019-05-03_12:57:07 syscalls.open10       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default min1  2019-05-03_12:57:07 syscalls.creat08      FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default min1  2019-05-03_12:57:07 sem_init.sem_init_7-1 SKIP         
--- Here is the reason for each LTP failure (with some comments) {{{ ------------------------------------ tguid tguid:result ------------------------------------ syscalls.fanotify06 FAIL - segfault syscalls.msgctl11 FAIL - queue mismatch syscalls.open10 FAIL - setgid not set syscalls.creat08 FAIL - setgid not set sem_init.sem_init_7-1 SKIP - ??? (RESEARCH) ------------------------------------ }}}
Here is the reason for each LTP failure (with some comments)
 tguid                 tguid:result 
 syscalls.fanotify06   FAIL  - segfault       
 syscalls.msgctl11     FAIL  - queue mismatch       
 syscalls.open10       FAIL  - setgid not set
 syscalls.creat08      FAIL  - setgid not set        
 sem_init.sem_init_7-1 SKIP  - ??? (RESEARCH)       

ren1 board [edit section]

== ren1 board ==
Runs on this host:
  Test                        Status
  --------------------------- ------
  Benchmark.Dhrystone         FAIL - time too small (expected - but could fix test) 
  Benchmark.GLMark            SKIP - missing SDL/SDL.h (old)
  Benchmark.Java              SKIP - pre_test: missing java (expected, ok)
  Benchmark.gtkperf           SKIP - gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders: command not found 
  Benchmark.reboot            SKIP - runtime error: didn't capture reboot (RESEARCH)  
  Benchmark.signaltest        FAIL - non-RT kernel 
  Benchmark.x11perf           SKIP - build error: no package xmuu
  Functional.LTP              FAIL - see below  
  Functional.aiostress        SKIP - pre_test: no /lib/*/libaio (ok?)
  Functional.crashme          FAIL - 0 .. 507, but expected 3000 
  Functional.ft2demos         SKIP - build error: missing /usr/lib/ (RESEARCH)
  Functional.glib             SKIP - missing gettext support (CANDIDATE)
  Functional.kernel_build     FAIL - missing "Kernel: arch/.* is ready". bzImage, no such file or directory
Runs on this host:
  Test                        Status
  --------------------------- ------
  Benchmark.Dhrystone         FAIL - time too small (expected - but could fix test) 
  Benchmark.GLMark            SKIP - missing SDL/SDL.h (old)
  Benchmark.Java              SKIP - pre_test: missing java (expected, ok)
  Benchmark.gtkperf           SKIP - gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders: command not found 
  Benchmark.reboot            SKIP - runtime error: didn't capture reboot (RESEARCH)  
  Benchmark.signaltest        FAIL - non-RT kernel 
  Benchmark.x11perf           SKIP - build error: no package xmuu
  Functional.LTP              FAIL - see below  
  Functional.aiostress        SKIP - pre_test: no /lib/*/libaio (ok?)
  Functional.crashme          FAIL - 0 .. 507, but expected 3000 
  Functional.ft2demos         SKIP - build error: missing /usr/lib/ (RESEARCH)
  Functional.glib             SKIP - missing gettext support (CANDIDATE)
  Functional.kernel_build     FAIL - missing "Kernel: arch/.* is ready". bzImage, no such file or directory

Here is the LTP report for non-PASS tests:
Here is the LTP report for non-PASS tests:
           **** Fuego Test Report ****
  test                : LTP
  board               : ren1
  kernel              : 4.9.0-yocto-standard
  timestamp           : 2019-05-03_13:41:21
  report_date         : 2019-05-08_00:39:12
  test_name      spec    board timestamp           tguid                   tguid:result 
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls                FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.cve-2017-6951  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.prot_hsymlinks FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.renameat202    FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.add_key04      FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.add_key02      FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl08       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl03       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl02       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl05       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl04       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl07       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl06       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.msgctl09       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.msgctl08       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.fanotify06     FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.utime02        FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.mknod03        FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.abort01        FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.kill11         FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.msgctl10       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.msgctl11       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.request_key02  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.open10         FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.renameat201    FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.creat08        FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.add_key03      FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.setsockopt02   FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.cve-2017-5669  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.sendmsg01      FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.request_key01  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.request_key03  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.setpriority01  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.utime01        FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 sem_init.sem_init_7-1   SKIP         
           **** Fuego Test Report ****
  test                : LTP
  board               : ren1
  kernel              : 4.9.0-yocto-standard
  timestamp           : 2019-05-03_13:41:21
  report_date         : 2019-05-08_00:39:12
  test_name      spec    board timestamp           tguid                   tguid:result 
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls                FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.cve-2017-6951  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.prot_hsymlinks FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.renameat202    FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.add_key04      FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.add_key02      FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl08       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl03       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl02       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl05       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl04       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl07       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.keyctl06       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.msgctl09       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.msgctl08       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.fanotify06     FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.utime02        FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.mknod03        FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.abort01        FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.kill11         FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.msgctl10       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.msgctl11       FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.request_key02  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.open10         FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.renameat201    FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.creat08        FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.add_key03      FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.setsockopt02   FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.cve-2017-5669  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.sendmsg01      FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.request_key01  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.request_key03  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.setpriority01  FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 syscalls.utime01        FAIL         
  Functional.LTP default ren1  2019-05-03_13:41:21 sem_init.sem_init_7-1   SKIP         

Here are LTP details: {{{ -------------------------------------- tguid tguid:result -------------------------------------- sem_init.sem_init_7-1 SKIP syscalls.abort01 FAIL - invalid argument syscalls.add_key02 FAIL - EINVAL syscalls.add_key03 FAIL - create keyring for another user syscalls.add_key04 FAIL - SIGSEGV syscalls.creat08 FAIL - setgid should be set syscalls.cve-2017-5669 FAIL - mapped VM addr in first 64Kb syscalls.cve-2017-6951 FAIL - timeout requesting dead key syscalls.fanotify06 FAIL - SIGSEGV syscalls.keyctl02 FAIL - timeout syscalls.keyctl03 FAIL - timeout syscalls.keyctl04 FAIL - timeout syscalls.keyctl05 FAIL - timeout syscalls.keyctl06 FAIL - timeout syscalls.keyctl07 FAIL - timeout syscalls.keyctl08 FAIL - timeout syscalls.kill11 FAIL - invalid argument to setrlimit syscalls.mknod03 FAIL - setgid bit not set syscalls.msgctl08 FAIL - ipcs not found syscalls.msgctl09 FAIL - ipcs not found syscalls.msgctl10 FAIL - ipcs not found syscalls.msgctl11 FAIL - ipcs not found syscalls.open10 FAIL - setgid bit not set syscalls.prot_hsymlinks FAIL - failed to run cmd: useradd hsym syscalls.renameat201 FAIL - Invalid argument syscalls.renameat202 FAIL - Invalid argument syscalls.request_key01 FAIL - timeout syscalls.request_key02 FAIL - timeout syscalls.request_key03 FAIL - timeout syscalls.sendmsg01 FAIL - ip/ifconfig not found syscalls.setpriority01 FAIL - useradd exited with non-zero code syscalls.setsockopt02 FAIL - allowed bad tp_sizeof_priv value syscalls.utime01 FAIL - tmp_file access and mod times not set syscalls.utime02 FAIL - tmp_file access and mod times not set }}}
Here are LTP details:
 tguid                   tguid:result
sem_init.sem_init_7-1   SKIP         
 syscalls.abort01        FAIL - invalid argument        
 syscalls.add_key02      FAIL - EINVAL       
 syscalls.add_key03      FAIL - create keyring for another user       
 syscalls.add_key04      FAIL - SIGSEGV        
 syscalls.creat08        FAIL - setgid should be set       
 syscalls.cve-2017-5669  FAIL - mapped VM addr in first 64Kb       
 syscalls.cve-2017-6951  FAIL - timeout requesting dead key       
 syscalls.fanotify06     FAIL - SIGSEGV       
 syscalls.keyctl02       FAIL - timeout        
 syscalls.keyctl03       FAIL - timeout       
 syscalls.keyctl04       FAIL - timeout       
 syscalls.keyctl05       FAIL - timeout        
 syscalls.keyctl06       FAIL - timeout        
 syscalls.keyctl07       FAIL - timeout        
 syscalls.keyctl08       FAIL - timeout        
 syscalls.kill11         FAIL - invalid argument to setrlimit       
 syscalls.mknod03        FAIL - setgid bit not set       
 syscalls.msgctl08       FAIL - ipcs not found
 syscalls.msgctl09       FAIL - ipcs not found        
 syscalls.msgctl10       FAIL - ipcs not found     
 syscalls.msgctl11       FAIL - ipcs not found        
 syscalls.open10         FAIL - setgid bit not set       
 syscalls.prot_hsymlinks FAIL - failed to run cmd: useradd hsym        
 syscalls.renameat201    FAIL - Invalid argument 
 syscalls.renameat202    FAIL - Invalid argument       
 syscalls.request_key01  FAIL - timeout        
 syscalls.request_key02  FAIL - timeout        
 syscalls.request_key03  FAIL - timeout      
 syscalls.sendmsg01      FAIL - ip/ifconfig not found       
 syscalls.setpriority01  FAIL - useradd exited with non-zero code
 syscalls.setsockopt02   FAIL - allowed bad tp_sizeof_priv value        
 syscalls.utime01        FAIL - tmp_file access and mod times not set
 syscalls.utime02        FAIL - tmp_file access and mod times not set


fuego-test board [edit section]

== fuego-test board ==
 - (CANDIDATE) '''fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_abort''' - reports SKIP, but should be OK (behavior is correct)
   - should turn this test into a nested test, that checks for correct messages in the console log
 - (CANDIDATE) '''fuego-test.default.fuego_board_check''' - missing /sbin/reboot in container
 - '''fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_ftc_test''' - testcase 6 (ftc query-board differences)
 - '''fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_lint''' - expected failures
 - '''fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_release_test''' - 
 - '''fuego-test.default.Functional.fuego_slow_log''' - 
Runs on this host:
  Test                          Status
  ---------------------------   ------
  Functional.fuego_abort        SKIP - OK (CANDIDATE)
  Functional.fuego_board_check  FAIL - missing /sbin/reboot 
  Functional.fuego_ftc_test     FAIL - testcase 6, addition of ssh2serial, misc.
  Functional.fuego_lint         FAIL  
  Functional.fuego_release_test FAIL   
  Functional.fuego_slow_log     FAIL 
TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird