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Release 1.3 To Do in 'raw' format


= priorities for 1.3 release =
== Free form list of items to do:
 - Features:
   - testcase documentation
     - add more testcase documentation
       - for tests that fail in my lab (up to 5 tests)
         - (done) fanotify07

 - Bugs:
    - resolve items from release testing:
      - See [[Release 1.3 testing - 2018-03-26]]
      - See [[Release 1.3 testing - 2018-05-01]]
    - aiostress - static link?
    - glib - diagnose problem
    - ft2demos - add dependencies
 - Documentation:
   - (done) finish [[parser_func_split_output_per_testcase]]
   - (done) finish [[Release 1.3 Notes]]
   - (done) document BOARD_CONTROL for board file
   - (done) document [[function_ov_board_control_reboot|ov_board_control_reboot]]
   - (done) document [[test.yaml]] new fields:
     - (done) host_dependencies
     - (done) params
 - Cleanups:
   - get rid of verbosity during 'processing' phase
     - there's lots of junk there
 - General:
   - review items on the [[Fuego_Issues_List]]
   - review items on [[CodeFixthisList]]
   - follow release check list on [[Release Process]]
   - (done) make a list of release features [[Release 1.3 Notes]]

= List of deferred things =
 - add checkbox and replot to flot plots? (maybe not)
    - support PLATFORM, for legacy sake, but prefer TOOLCHAIN going forward   
 - change default port for Jenkins from 8080 to 8090
 - support fuego release self-test (probably defer to 1.4 release)
 - move fuego-core dir inside fuego
 - create pre-built docker image
 - more flake8 testing - parsing code, for Functional.fuego_lint
 - add backfire kernel module build
 - parse LTP error descriptions
 - process rst into html for testcases, and have it appear in Jenkins interface
 - support board reboot (via BOARD_CONTROL) with another tool
   - support lava, labgrid, r4d, or boruta (Pawel's) DUT control software?
 - support board provisioning (via BOARD_CONTROL)
   - LTS provisioning support
 - remove or convert all chart_configs to proper files
 - convert documentation to reStructureText
   - create new user guide
   - convert wiki architecture guide
   - convert wiki developer reference materials

= List of things done for this release =
 - added support for additional output formats for 'ftc gen-report'
 - added testcase detail links
 - added fuego.conf
 - switched from emdebian to debian cross toolchains
 - support ttc DUT control software
 - support gen_report for txt, html, excel, rst, cvs
 - support tguid and tguid:result in where clauses (gen-report filtering)
 - allow selecting fields for gen_report
 - support invoking individual test phases on ftc command line
 - add Functional.fuego_lint
 - add Functional.LTP_one_test for reproducing troublesome individual LTP tests
 - recover from board hangup during a test (LTP.syscall.inotify06) (with hardware reboot)
 - fix Jenkins missing build descriptions (hardcode Jenkins plugin versions)
 - put abort message in testlog
 - add testplan_lts
 - resolve toolchain upgrade (switch from emdebian to debian cross toolchains)
   - make sure all tests build (that used to build)

TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird