function_test_build >> Release_1.2.1_Notes 

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Release 1.2.1 Notes

Here is information about the 1.2.1 release.

The 1.2.1 release is a bugfix release shortly following the 1.2 release. There were no major features planned, but rather just a cleanup effort after the 1.2 release (which was still missing some stuff at the time it was tagged).

See Release 1.2 (Combustion) Notes for the major features for the 1.2 release.

Major Features [edit section]

  • addition of Functional.kselftest
  • support for parsing LTP posix test results
  • LOTS of test bugfixes

CHANGELOG [edit section]

Here is the CHANGELOG for this release:

version 1.2.1 - 2017-11-15 [edit section]

  • Add parsing for LTP posix test results
  • Add Functional.kselftest
  • Add cmake and security repos (for newer packages) to docker build
  • Fix issues in multiple tests:
    • Functional.lwip, Functional.curl, Functional.libtar, Funtional.librsvg
    • Functional.thrift, Funtional.boost, Benchmark.tiobench, Functional.neon
    • Functional.glibc, Functional.LTP, Functional.tiff
  • Fix bugs in source-sharing between platforms
  • Support pre-installed LTP
  • Major improvements to cyclictest and signaltest
  • Support filtering of measure_plots via chart_config
  • Add dependency requirements to several tests
  • Use per_job_build in bc and cyclictest

git logs [edit section]

fuego [edit section]

9a7f9a5 Change to version 1.2.1
836f353 Dockerfile: Add a security repos to docker container
5e09c8b Dockerfile: add cmake

fuego-core [edit section]

abd6697 Change to version 1.2.1
e7de697 kselftest: remove cip spec use latest linux instead
5c8b7b6 kselftest: avoid pushd popd bashisms
baf518c kselftest: fix and add criteria.json
e2e4055 LTP: preliminary parsing of posix test results
aba936a LTP: don't build LTP if it's already on the target
f50cff2 parser: handle test_set names with embedded periods
a7a3aef parser: control debug output with FUEGO_DEBUG
8468b25 ftc: add comment with FIXTHIS for handling FUEGO_DEBUG
6869804 core: add test name to post_test log of test completion
4cb8d14 core: add ov_transport_disconnect to abort path
fbb3e32 ftc: reduce verbosity of query-board output
29cd653 tiff: replace jello.tif in tarball file
0cd2f46 charting: reduce printks during chart generation
686faad functions: fix preference order when unpacking or cloning
48c6703 kselftest: adjust parser to use new API
8c02b82 kselftest: add support for Linux kernel selftests
86328c9 ftc: add support for add-view without job_spec
f5f50ab core: fix use of $JOB_BUILD_DIR in test_build
1c46325 cyclictest: add PER_JOB_BUILD for spec with different source
1fd8fe8 bc: add PER_JOB_BUILD for spec with alternate source
7916751 pi_test: move assert_defines to test_pre_check
d392873 pi_tests: add patch for old toolchains
c07a25f signaltest: move assert_define to test_pre_check
2a50f47 signaltest: update to new framework
eb4775b cyclictest: add NEED_ROOT for now
9bb6f8f cyclictest: add assert_define BENCHMARK_CYCLICTEST_PARAMS
266a734 cyclictest: convert tabs to spaces
41a81b8 cyclictest: update twothreads spec
8fec81e cyclictest: update fuego_test to use v1.1.1
92755c0 cyclictest: update tarball version
9a7f0af core: return to root of build directory after 'test_build'
5e53a65 remove bash invocation lines from tests
667460c curl: add test_pre_check for command "curl"
79b5072 bsdiff: add test_pre_check for command "bsdiff bspatch"
6b2d10b parser: add routine to rebuild flat data file
5a1c351 core: add Fuego version info to run.json, from
aa15c61 parser: support filtering of measure_plots via chart_config
c5091b8 core: fix typo in comment (mispelled 'directly')
ef6eb96 cyclictest: modify parsing and test measures
3b8f654 cyclictest: modify specs
3f397f5 cyclictest: update build function
3665917 cyclictest: update source code tarball
196ade3 LTP: refactor test to support pre-installed LTP
7c2b4b5 core: do extra checking on build lockfile, before unlock
c379623 core: change locking for build directory
9229f0d glibc: fix dl not returning exit code in testcase 8
d7b3bdb glibc: add standard parser for 'TEST-<n>' testlogs
02f8c36 glibc: add dependency checking for test
49695e1 glibc: fix some testcase 11 and 14
14c1402 neon: add libneon precheck
7400c68 tiobnech: avoid inline function not defined problem
be50d04 boost: add target board boost library check
118f15c boost: solve boost library header file interface change problem
c274e23 lwip: use correct name for test_pre_check function
b7ae084 repair test program build script
3a2fb36 libtar: add tarball file to repair libtar test case
4fb1a10 repair librsvg build script
9cd66e0 repair build script and add target lib check
fb0421e rewrite file using fuego common function
cbe97f3 remove extra word in command
e8d9246 ftc: fix typo in help for ftc list-runs

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