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Issue 0090 in 'raw' format

; Summary: Can't use override-func in board file
; Owner: Tim
; Reporter: Tim
; Status: open
; Priority: high
; Version: 1.5.10
; Subsystem: ftc and core
; Tags: overlay, ovgen

= Description =
ftc query-board can parse an override-func from a board file, but

You get the following:

Add the following to bbb.board:
override_func ov_rootfs_sync() {
    cmd "sync" || abort_job "Unable to flush buffers on target"
    cmd "date $(date +%m%d%H%M%Y.%S)"

And ovgen generates the following error:
(adjust OF_DEBUG_ARGS in scripts/

log: discarding string function ov_rootfs_sync() {

log: parsed function ov_rootfs_sync
log: body: function ov_rootfs_sync() {
    cmd "sync" || abort_job "Unable to flush buffers on target"
log: function found
log: discarding string 
base-board funcs:
... [ a dictionary that includes ov_rootfs_sync() ] ...

log: discarding string override-func ov_rootfs_sync() {
log: overriding func: ov_rootfs_sync
base-board funcs:
... [ a dictionary that does not include ov_rootfs_sync() ] ...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/fuego-core/scripts/", line 528, in <module>
  File "/fuego-core/scripts/", line 519, in run
    classes = classes + parseOverrideFile(ovf, layers, ofcls)
  File "/fuego-core/scripts/", line 361, in parseOverrideFile
    elif parseLayerFuncOverride(line, layer, inheritClass, f):
  File "/fuego-core/scripts/", line 269, in parseLayerFuncOverride
    raise OFVarNotFoundException("function %s is not found in %s class" % (name,
__main__.OFVarNotFoundException: 'function ov_rootfs_sync is not found in base-board class'

*** ABORTED (during  phase) ***

Fuego error reason: Error generating file

= Notes =
The implementation of is needlessly complicated.  Maybe
an could be written which does the same thing, using code
from ftc (that was written for query-board).

See ftc functions: get_board_vars() and parse_shell_file()

Note that these function don't do test variables, just board
variables with overrides.

; backlink: [[Fuego Issues List]]

TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird