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Issue 0087 in 'raw' format

; Summary: Remove unused fuego/fuego-rw/scripts directory
; Owner: Tim
; Reporter: Tim
; Status: open
; Priority: low
; Version: 1.5
; Subsystem: fuego repository
; Tags: dirs

= Description =
The 'fuego-rw/scripts' directory in the 'fuego' source repository is unused.
(I believe).

We should double-check whether this directory is used for anything
and remove it.

The directory had the file added in commit d676cd83f .
This appears to have been part of the work for Fuego release testing by
Cogent.  The Functional.fuego_release_test appears to require some python3
modules. pip3, which is needed to install needed pythone-requests module
has to be installed manually, instead of using the pip3 module
available from Debian.

The need for this may have been obsoleted by our move from Debian 8 (jessie)
to Debian 9 (stretch).

= Notes =

; backlink: [[Fuego Issues List]]

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