Issue 0081 in 'raw' format
; Summary: Add provisioning to Fuego ; Owner: Tim ; Reporter: Tim ; Status: open ; Priority: high ; Version: 1.6 ; Subsystem: core ; Tags: provisioning, install, board = Description = Add a board provisioning system to Fuego. Probably, this will be based on ttc, but try to learn from LAVA and labgrid about dos and don'ts here (or just adopt labgrid). Try to make it so that the build system, the provisioning layer, the test management layer, and the board management layer have clean boundaries. ttc has board reservation, building, configuring, installation, and board access all rolled up into one (with no clear layering, and things like 'expect' to manage interaction with the bootloader left as an exercise for the user. Support multiple control schemes, and include a system to allow adding multiple provisioning configurations (fastboot/adb, tftp/nfsrootfs, uboot, grub, pxeboot, etc.) = Notes = See some notes about provisioning experiments here: * [[Provisioning notes - potato board]] ; backlink: [[Fuego Issues List]]