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Issue 0069 in 'raw' format

; Summary: Change prefix for test variables to something short (like TVAR_)
; Owner: Tim
; Reporter: Tim
; Status: open
; Priority: low

= Description =
Our test variables are quite long, and mostly there are not conflicts
between them during a test run.  Using the full test name as a prefix
makes the variable names long, and harder to maintain.

However, having the variable names be unique per test means that it's
easier to identify them among all the global environment variables of
a Fuego run.  (TVAR does this for the variables that come from a spec file.)

= Notes =
Note that this might not be true for test variables placed in a board file.
or used as a dynamic variable.

There's already a precedent for variables that are used in one test, but
are used with no prefix, and might show up in a global context, and that
is dynamic variables like PROGRAM_DBENCH.

; backlink: [[Fuego Issues List]]

TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird