Issue 0063 in split format
- Summary
- cascade error if log file is missing (test aborts due to dependency check)
; Owner: Tim
; Reporter: dhinakar
; Status: open
; Priority: medium
; Summary: cascade error if log file is missing (test aborts due to dependency check)
; Owner: Tim
; Reporter: dhinakar
; Status: open
; Priority: medium
= Description =
If the dependency checker aborts a job, the log file does not exist, and there
are a bunch of reports during test_processing that are bogus and unnecessarily frightening.
We should get rid of these.
We should get rid of these.
> Fuego error reason: '/fuego-rw/logs/Functional.bc/TRAV-Sanity-
> Test.default.1.1/testlog.txt' is missing.
> ERROR: test_processing returned an error
> Going to check 2 fail cases for TRAV-Sanity-Test.default.Functional.bc
> grep: /fuego-rw/logs/Functional.bc/TRAV-Sanity-Test.default.1.1/testlog.txt:
> No such file or directory
> diff: /fuego-rw/logs/Functional.bc/TRAV-Sanity-
> Test.default.1.1/syslog.before.txt: No such file or directory
> No fail cases detected for TRAV-Sanity-Test.default.Functional.bc
> running python with
= Notes =
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Fuego Issues List
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