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The environment variable FUEGO_LOGLEVELS is used to control message output (including debug messages) during execution of a Fuego test.

Introduction [edit section]

The FUEGO_LOGLEVELS variable specifies a string containing a list of areas and log level combinations, separated by commas. The area and loglevel are joined by a colon.

Here is an example:

    export FUEGO_LOGLEVELS="deploy:verbose,criteria:debug"

Note that a sample of this line is provided in the Jenkins job for every test. It is, by default, commented out. However, you can easily turn on FUEGO_LOGLEVELS by uncommenting this line. You can customize the log level to use for different execution areas by changing the value of the variable.

To change this line in a Jenkins job, select the job in the Jenkins interface, then select "Configure", and edit the line in "Execute Shell - Command" box, in the "Build" section of the job configuration.

If the FUEGO_LOGLEVELS variable is not set, the default logging level for all areas of test execution is "info".

log levels [edit section]

There are 5 logging levels available, and messages from Fuego are categorized into these 5 different levels:
  • error
  • warning
  • info
  • verbose
  • debug

Specifying a particular level means that all messages above that level will be output. Messages at level 'error' are always shown, no matter what log level is specified.

execution areas [edit section]

Area names correspond to phases, and to sub-phases of the test execution stepx. The following area names are supported:
  • pre_test
  • pre_check
  • build
  • makepkg
  • deploy
  • snapshot
  • run
  • post_test
  • processing
  • parser
  • criteria
  • charting

output functions [edit section]

With this feature, 5 new functions have been added to the Fuego core. These functions may be used in your test shell script (fuego_test.sh), so that your output may be managed the same way that core output is managed.

The following functions are available:

  • dprint - print output if the message level is 'debug'.
  • vprint - print output if the message level is 'debug' or 'verbose'.
  • iprint - print output if the message level is 'debug', verbose', or 'info'.
  • wprint - print output if the message level is 'debug', 'verbose', 'info', or warning'.
  • eprint - print output always (message level 'error')

deprecated FUEGO_DEBUG [edit section]

FUEGO_LOGLEVELS replaces the earlier FUEGO_DEBUG variable for controlling debug output of Fuego. However, as of Fuego version 1.4, both FUEGO_DEBUG is still supported for backwards compatibility.

TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird