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Dashboard view

Here is some information about the main dashboard view in Jenkins, in Fuego:

Main screen elements [edit section]

If you click on "Jenkins" in the upper left part of any page in the = web interface, you will be taken to a page with the following parts:
  • top of screen are some logos and a search bar
  • a navigation bar below that (with a context trail)
  • a sidebar of the left of the page with:
    • a menu
    • a "Build Queue"
    • a "Build Executor Status"
    • target status
  • the main job panel, which may consists of several tabs, but which will have at least the following:
    • All
    • + sign

Job dashboard [edit section]

Each job dashboard shows a list of jobs, with some information about each one. The information shows the status of the last execution of the test associated with the job, as well as a "weather report", indicating the status of the last few runs. There is also information about the last successful run, the duration of the last run, and so on.

Changing the interface [edit section]

Create a new view [edit section]

It is often handy to see just a subset of the jobs (like those for a particular board, or those having to do with a specific test area (like filesystems or networking).

You can create a new view by clicking on the "+" sign, to add a new tab to the dashboard. Then entering a name, and selecting the "List View" button. Then press the "OK" button.

At this point you can customize the view. The most important thing in creating a new view is selecting which jobs to show in the view. You can select specific jobs by name, or use a regular expression to select the jobs to display. If you wanted to create a view that showed all the jobs related to your board 'myboard', you could create a view called 'myboard', and under "Job Filters", check the checkbox labeled: "User a regular expression to include jobs into the view". Then add a regular expression like: 'myboard.*"

Click OK to save your view, and it should show up as a new tab in the dashboard view.

Edit an existing view [edit section]

To see the configuration for each view, select the tab you want to view/edit, and select "Edit View" in the left sidebar menu.

For each Dashboard view you can set:

  • Name, Description
  • Job Filters
    • You can select individual tests, or use a regular expression to include tests in the view
  • columns
    • you can add or remove columns, or reorder the columns
      • default columns:
        • Status
        • Weather
        • Name
        • Last Success
        • Last Failure
        • Last Duration
        • Build Button
    • to remove a column, press the button labeled "Delete"
    • to reorder columns, hover your mouse over the column name, then click and drag the column to the position you would like it, in the list of columns

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