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Adding views to Jenkins

It is useful to organize your Jenkins test jobs into "views". These appear as tabs in the main Jenkins interface. Jenkins always provides a tab that lists all of the installed jobs, call "All". Other views that you create will appear on tabs next to this, on the main Jenkins page.

You can define new Jenkins views using the Jenkins interface, but Fuego provides a command that allows you to easily create views for boards, or for sets of related tests (by name and wildcard), from the Linux command line (inside the container).

The usage line for this command is:

    Usage: ftc add-view <view-name> [<job_spec>]

The view-name parameter indicates the name of the view in Jenkins, and the job-spec parameter is used to select the jobs which appear in that view.

If the job_spec is provided and starts with an '=', then it is interpreted as one or more specific job names. Otherwise, the view is created using a regular expression statement that Jenkins uses to select the jobs to include in the view.

Adding a board view [edit section]

By convention, most Fuego users populate their Jenkins interface with a view for each board in their system (well, for labs with a small number of boards, anyway).

The simplest way to add a view for a board is to just specify the board name, like so:

    (container_prompt)$ ftc add-view myboard

When no job specification is provided, the 'add-view' command will create one by prefixing the view name with wildcards. For the example above, the job spec would consist of the regular expression ".*myboard.*".

Customizing regular expressions [edit section]

Note that if your board name is not unique enough, or is a string contained in some tests, then you might see some test jobs listed that were not specific to that board. For example, if you had a board name "Bench", then a view you created with the view-name of "Bench", would also include Benchmarks. You can work around this by specifying a more details regular expression for your job spec.

For example:

    (container_prompt)$ ftc add-view Bench "Bench.*"

This would only include the jobs that started with "Bench" in the "Bench" view. Benchmark jobs for other boards would not be included, since they only have "Benchmark" somewhere in the middle of their job name - not at the beginning.

Add view by test name regular expression [edit section]

This command would create a view to show LTP results for multiple boards:
    (container_prompt)$ ftc add-view LTP

This example creates a view for "fuego" tests. This view would include any job that has the word "fuego" as part of it. By convention, all Fuego self-tests have part of their name prefixed with "fuego_".

    (container_prompt)$ ftc add-view fuego ".*fuego_.*"

And the following command will show all the batch jobs defined in the system:

    (container_prompt)$ ftc add-view .*.batch

Add specific jobs [edit section]

If the job specification starts with "=", it is a comma-separated list of job names. The job names must be complete, including the board name, spec name and full test name.

    (container_prompt)$ ftc add-view network-tests =docker.default.Functional.ipv6connect,docker.default.Functional.netperf

In this command, the view would be named "network-tests", and it would show the jobs "docker.default.Functional.ipv6connect" and "docker.default.Functional.netperf".

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