function_report >> criteria.json >> Issue_template >> LTP_Notes >> Release_1.3_testing_-_2018-03-26 

Fuego 1.5 wiki

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Project Notes in 'raw' format


This page has links to pages with notes about various Fuego
development projects.

= Development Project pages =
== Core features ==
 * [[Continuous Integration Notes]] - using Fuego features to handle the full CI lifecycle
 * [[Dynamic Variable Notes]] - using dynamic variables for bisecting and variant testing
 * [[Running ftc outside the container]] - de-coupling Fuego from docker
 * [[Standalone parser notes]] - de-coupling the parser from Fuego - FIXTHIS - create this page
 * [[Update Criteria]] - adding a new ftc command to create a criteria.json file (could be board-specific, distro-specific, or lab-specific, etc.)
 * [[Test server system]] - support for a remote test repository, and distributed test builds

== Documentation ==
 * [[Fuego_guide_notes]]
 * [[Markup Mapping]] - related to conversion to reStructuredText/Sphynx/

== Output format ==
 * [[Test output format]]

== LAVA integration ==
 * [[Tims_LAVA Notes]]
 * [[Using Fuego with LAVA]]

== Visualization alternatives ==
 * [[Squad backend notes]] - adding Squad as a visualization backend

== Test improvement projects ==
 * [[LTP_posix_parsing_notes]]

= Completed projects =
 * [[Notes on Jenkins integration refactoring]]
 * [[Unified Results Format Project]]

TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird