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Jenkins plugins in split format

Here is some information collected about Jenkins plugins used by Fuego.
Here is some information collected about Jenkins plugins used by Fuego.

Plugin list for Jenkins 2.32.1 (Fuego version 1.2) [edit section]

= Plugin list for Jenkins 2.32.1 (Fuego version 1.2) =
||Plugin                    ||Description                          ||version||
||ant                       ||Ant Plugin                           ||1.7||
||antisamy-markup-formatter ||OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin        ||1.5||
||bouncycastle-api          ||bouncycastle API Plugin              ||2.16.2||
||description-setter        ||description setter plugin            ||1.10||
||display-url-api           ||Display URL API                      ||2.1.0||
||external-monitor-job      ||External Monitor Job Type Plugin     ||1.7||
||flot                      ||Flot plotter Plugin                  ||1.0-SNAPSHOT (private-07/21/2017 10:45-dsl)||
||greenballs                ||Green Balls                          ||1.15||
||icon-shim                 ||Icon Shim Plugin                     ||2.0.3||
||javadoc                   ||Javadoc Plugin                       ||1.4||
||junit                     ||JUnit Plugin                         ||1.21||
||ldap                      ||LDAP Plugin                          ||1.17||
||mailer                    ||Mailer Plugin                        ||1.20||
||matrix-auth               ||Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin ||1.7||
||matrix-project            ||Matrix Project Plugin                ||1.12||
||pam-auth                  ||PAM Authentication plugin            ||1.3||
||pegdown-formatter         ||PegDown Formatter Plugin             ||1.3||
||script-security           ||Script Security Plugin               ||1.34||
||structs                   ||Structs Plugin                       ||1.10||
||windows-slaves            ||Windows Slaves Plugin                ||1.3.1||
Note that 'greenballs' was added by my release test script (it is not there by default).
Note that 'greenballs' was added by my release test script (it is not there by default).

Plugin list for Jenkins 1.509.2 (Fuego version 1.0) [edit section]

= Plugin list for Jenkins 1.509.2 (Fuego version 1.0) =
Fuego version 1.0
Here is a list of the Jenkins plugins included in Fuego as of August 2016.
Here is a list of the Jenkins plugins included in Fuego as of August 2016.
Note that this was for Jenkins version 1.509.2
Note that this was for Jenkins version 1.509.2
This list was retrieved with "jcmd list-plugins", and then reformatted for this wiki.
This list was retrieved with "jcmd list-plugins", and then reformatted for this wiki.
||Plugin                      ||Description                                ||version||
||ant                         ||ant                                        ||1.1 (1.3)||
||build-timeout               ||Jenkins build timeout plugin               ||1.11 (1.17.1)||
||compact-columns             ||Compact Columns                            ||1.6-SNAPSHOT (private-07/08/2011 04:21-konstantinbelov) (1.10)||
||config-file-provider        ||Config File Provider Plugin                ||2.6.1 (2.11)||
||credentials                 ||Credentials Plugin                         ||1.3.1 (2.1.4)||
||cvs                         ||Jenkins CVS Plug-in                        ||1.6 (2.12)||
||dashboard-view              ||Dashboard View                             ||2.1-SNAPSHOT (private-09/26/2011 16:35-konstantinbelov) (2.9.10)||
||description-setter          ||Jenkins description setter plugin          ||1.8 (1.10)||
||dynamicparameter            ||Jenkins Dynamic Parameter Plug-in          ||0.2.1-SNAPSHOT (private-10/17/2013 04:25-dcheremushkin)||
||envfile                     ||Jenkins Environment File Plugin            ||1.2-SNAPSHOT (private-06/07/2011 13:27-konstantinbelov) (1.2)||
||Exclusion                   ||Jenkins Exclusion Plug-in                  ||0.8 (0.12)||
||extended-choice-parameter   ||Extended Choice Parameter Plug-In          ||0.28 (0.74)||
||extensible-choice-parameter ||Extensible Choice Parameter plugin         ||1.2.1 (1.3.2)||
||external-monitor-job        ||External Monitor Job Type Plugin           ||1.1 (1.6)||
||ez-templates                ||ez-templates                               ||1.0-SNAPSHOT (private-08/29/2013 03:12-Dmitry) (1.2.0)||
||flot                        ||flot                                       ||1.0-SNAPSHOT (private-03/22/2016 17:17-dc)||
||git                         ||Jenkins GIT plugin                         ||1.5.0 (2.5.3)||
||git-client                  ||Jenkins GIT client plugin                  ||1.4.3 (1.19.7)||
||git-server                  ||Git server plugin                          ||1.2 (1.7)||
||groovyaxis                  ||groovyaxis                                 ||0.3||
||groovy-label-assignment     ||Groovy Label Assignment plugin             ||1.0.0 (1.2.0)||
||groovy-postbuild            ||Groovy Postbuild                           ||1.6-SNAPSHOT (private-12/13/2011 17:44-manul) (2.3.1)||
||greenballs                  ||Green Balls                                ||1.10 (1.15)||
||htmlpublisher               ||HTML Publisher plugin                      ||0.7-SNAPSHOT (private-04/27/2011 12:58-mranostay) (1.11)||
||javadoc                     ||javadoc                                    ||1.0 (1.4)||
||ldap                        ||LDAP Plugin                                ||1.1 (1.12)||
||locale                      ||Locale plugin                              ||1.2||
||log-parser                  ||Log Parser Plugin                          ||1.0.9-SNAPSHOT (private-04/27/2011 12:53-mranostay) (2.0)||
||mailer                      ||Jenkins Mailer Plugin                      ||1.4 (1.17)||
||maven-plugin                ||Maven Integration plugin                   ||1.509.2 (2.13)||
||page-markup                 ||Hudson Page Markup Plug-in                 ||0.3||
||pam-auth                    ||pam-auth                                   ||1.0 (1.3)||
||parameterized-trigger       ||Jenkins Parameterized Trigger plugin       ||2.9-SNAPSHOT (private-04/27/2011 13:01-mranostay) (2.32)||
||plots                       ||Fuego Benchmark show plot plugin.          ||0.2-SNAPSHOT (private-07/26/2011 18:58-konstantinbelov)||
||postbuild-task              ||Hudson Post build task                     ||1.8||
||postbuildscript             ||Jenkins Post-Build Script Plug-in          ||0.16 (0.17)||
||PrioritySorter              ||Priority Sorter                            ||1.2 (3.4)||
||project-inheritance         ||inheritance-plugin                         ||1.4.10 (1.5.3)||
||python                      ||Python Plugin                              ||1.1 (1.3)||
||rebuild                     ||Rebuilder                                  ||1.9 (1.25)||
||sidebar-link                ||Sidebar Link                               ||1.6 (1.7)||
||scriptler                   ||Scriptler                                  ||2.6.1 (2.9)||
||ssh-credentials             ||SSH Credentials Plugin                     ||0.2 (1.12)||
||ssh-slaves                  ||Jenkins SSH Slaves plugin                  ||0.25 (1.11)||
||ssh-agent                   ||SSH Agent Plugin                           ||1.4 (1.13)||
||subversion                  ||Jenkins Subversion Plug-in                 ||1.39 (2.6)||
||token-macro                 ||Token Macro Plugin                         ||1.8.1 (1.12.1)||
||translation                 ||Jenkins Translation Assistance plugin      ||1.10 (1.15)||
||throttle-concurrents        ||Jenkins Throttle Concurrent Builds Plug-in ||1.6 (1.9.0)||

Notes on specific plugins [edit section]

= Notes on specific plugins =
The following plugins don't have upstream versions:
 * flot - for Flot charting on a job page (see below)
 * plots - this provides the old-style plot-per-test (using matplotlib to show a plot.png for a test

flot [edit section]

== flot ==
Does charts on the job page, using the Javascript flot charts package.
See [[flot]]

Interesting plugins [edit section]

Build Failure Analyzer
  • This plugin analyzes the causes of failed builds and presents the causes on the build page. It does this by using a knowledge base of build failure causes that is built up from scratch. Saving statistics about failure causes is also possible. * this would be good for catching errors that Fuego reports, about board status or test dependencies not being met * Flaky Test Handler - rebuilds tests and checks if a subsequent execution works, and then labels tests as flaky
= Interesting plugins =
These plugins provide interesting features we might want to consider adding to Fuego by default:
 * [[|Build Failure Analyzer]] - This plugin analyzes the causes of failed builds and presents the causes on the build page. It does this by using a knowledge base of build failure causes that is built up from scratch.
Saving statistics about failure causes is also possible.
   * this would be good for catching errors that Fuego reports, about board status or test dependencies not being met
 * [[|Flaky Test Handler]] - rebuilds tests and checks if a subsequent execution works, and then labels tests as flaky
TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird