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Issue 0006 in 'raw' format

; Summary: finish ftc command line tool
; Owner: Tim
; Reporter: Tim
; Status: closed
; Priority: medium

= Description =
Finish ftc (fuego test control) tool, to allow manipulation of tests via the command line.

Here are some things that are missing:
 * making all the entries in jobs/<test_name>
   * updating the nextBuildNumber file
   * creating build.xml
 * notifying Jenkins to reload the configuration to see the new data

= Notes =
See to todo.txt file in ~/work/ftc

The real working directory is container:/home/tbird/work/ftc.

I need a quick and easy way to export ftc directory from the container to my desktop, for backup.
As of May, 2017, ftc is complete enough to close this issue.  Any individual
features that are missing, or bugs that are found, should get their own
new issue pages.

; backlink: [[Fuego Issues List]]

TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird