ovgen.py in 'raw' format
= Summary = ovgen.py is the overlay generator for Fuego. It is used to process the "overlay" files, which is a system of files in shell format (board and distribution) and json format (specs and plans), to produce a shell script that is executed during a test. See [[Overlay Generation]] and [[Test Specs and Plans]] for more information about Fuego's overlay generation system. == arguments == Here are the arguments available for ovgen.py: * --classdir <classdir> - directory where 'class' file can be found * ex: /fuego-core/engine/overlays/base * --ovfiles <ovfile1> [<ovfile2> ...] - list of files with overlay definitions * ex: /fuego-core/engine/overlays/distribs/nologger.dist * ex: /fuego-ro/conf/boards/qemu-arm.board * --testplans <testplan1> [<testplan2> ...] - list of testplans to use to generation test variables * ex: /fuego-core/engine/overlays/testplans/testplan_default.json * --output <output_filename> * ex: /fuego-rw/work/qemu-test-arm_prolog.sh * --debug {1,2,3} - specify a debug level for overlay generation == output == The output of ovgen.py is a "prolog" file, which has all the environment variable definitions and shell functions that were defined by the specified overlay files. This takes into account the special actions of 'inherit' and 'include'.