in 'raw' format
= Summary = is a python program used to take results from a logrun file (and any xml results file it references) and create a single unified xml file. It is part of the report generation system for Fuego Note: REP_ in variables is short for 'REPORT' == arguments == is called from, with the following arguments: * --logrun-file $REP_LOGRUN_FILE * --output-file $REPORT_XML == main actions == reads the runlog file (json format), and processes each item in the 'runLogs' list. For LogFile entries, it reads the file and formats the res.json contents for resulting xml. The main feature of the resulting xml file is a table containing rows consisting of: * Test name, Metric, Results So the report indicates the results for all Benchmark metrics and Functional results in a single table. = SEE ALSO = See also [[Report Generator]], [[]], [[]]