function syslog cmp in 'raw' format
= NAME = syslog_cmp = SYNOPSIS = syslog_cmp = DESCRIPTION = Compare the before and after system logs, and grep the differences (which should be the messages logged during the test) for lines containing 'Bug:' or 'Oops'. If these are found, print a message and return an error. Note that this function uses the file $FUEGO_CORE/engine/scripts/syslog.ignore to filter out lines from the diff that should be ignored for the check of the logs. This file should contain a list of patterns to be removed from the diff before the scan for 'Bug:' or 'Oops' lines in the file. The patterns are used with 'grep -Ef', and there should be one pattern per line in the file. = EXAMPLES = Here are some sample invocations: {{{#!YellowBox syslog_cmp }}} = ENVIRONMENT and ARGUMENTS = This function uses the following variables: * $FUEGO_CORE * $LOGDIR = RETURN = Returns non-zero on error. = SOURCE = Located in ''scripts/'' = SEE ALSO = * [[function_post_test|post_test]]