
Fuego 1.1 wiki

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Metrics in split format

This page describes the bugs that have been found with and in Fuego, and whether they have been resolved.
This page describes the bugs that have been found with and in Fuego,
and whether they have been resolved.

Note: keep this in an ad-hoc fashion for now, and maybe convert to a more formal table when we have more of a pattern and an idea the fields we want to keep

''Note: keep this in an ad-hoc fashion for now, and maybe convert to
a more formal table when we have more of a pattern and an idea the fields
we want to keep''
Type should be one of: - fuego bug - kernel bug - distro bug - setup bug - bug in the configuration or setup of the target or test
Type should be one of:
 - fuego bug
 - kernel bug
 - distro bug
 - setup bug - bug in the configuration or setup of the target or test
Number  ^ Bug  ^ Type  ^ Date found  ^ Date Fixed  ^ Notes  ^
1 ftc incorrectly handles values from inherited files fuego bug 2016-10-06 . found with
field=Type type=Select possible_values="""fuego bug kernel bug distro bug setup bug""" default value=fuego bug field=Notes type=Textarea ||Number||Bug||Type||Date found||Date Fixed||Notes|| ||1||ftc incorrectly handles values from inherited files||fuego bug||2016-10-06||.||found with|| }}}&conf=&table_block=Metrics%3At1 conf=Metrics%3At1 field=Number default_value=<missing data value for key "next_int"> field=Type type=Select possible_values="""fuego bug kernel bug distro bug setup bug""" default value=fuego bug field=Notes type=Textarea ||Number||Bug||Type||Date found||Date Fixed||Notes|| ||1||ftc incorrectly handles values from inherited files||fuego bug||2016-10-06||.||found with|| }}}"> Query
possible_values="""fuego bug
kernel bug
distro bug
setup bug"""
default value=fuego bug
||Number||Bug||Type||Date found||Date Fixed||Notes||
||1||ftc incorrectly handles values from inherited files||fuego bug||2016-10-06||.||found with||
TBWiki engine 1.8.3 by Tim Bird