Fuego Wiki Fixthis List
To make a FIXTHIS entry on a page, put the word FIXTHIS, followed by space and a dash, then the description of the item to be fixed (which should go until the end of the line).
Example: FIXTHIS - should add foo here
file ^ | line_no ^ | description ^ |
Variables | 6 | I don't have all the fuego variables documented here yet |
function_report | 19 | In the test_run function, this report function is used to retrieve stdout and stderr while running test script and then store its log in /fuego-rw/logs. This function is currently not good due to session ending when the board changes its IP address or SHUTDOWN. I suggest using the cmd and get from your API to avoid this kind of issue. |
Benchmark_parser_notes | 5 | add information about metrics.json file, when that goes live in the next fuego release |
Adding_a_test | 166 | add information about results parsing |
Core_interfaces | 133 | add interface to perform Jenkins operations from the scripts |
Questions | 4 | answer all of the questions on the Questions page (5 remaining) |
Test_Script_APIs | 5 | core functions: should document which of the functions are internal, and which are intended for test script use |
Core_interfaces | 62 | document TRIPLET |
Questions | 63 | document that test programs should exit with 0 indicating a successful run, even if what they are testing failed. Exit of non-zero indicates a failure of test infrastructure, not failure of the test. |
Core_interfaces | 53 | document what OF_OVFILES is for |
Core_interfaces | 54 | document what OF_OVFILES_ARGS is for |
Log_files | 7 | finish documenting log files on the Log files page. |
Notes_on_individual_tests | 25 | fix abort time for aiostress build error |
Notes_on_individual_tests | 23 | fix aiostress build error (missing libaio.h file) |
Issue_0005 | 35 | investigate build_number build_id difference between Jenkins versions |
Troubleshooting_Guide | 122 | make ConnectTimeout for ssh connections a board-level test variable |
function_report_append | 20 | need an example call for report_append |
Test_Script_APIs | 59 | need to document the ov_* functions as well, from the scripts in the engine/overlays/base directory. |
function_ov_logger | 10 | ov_logger appears to only be used once, in pre_test. Check this out. |
log_compare | 143 | should document how to create parsed reference log files in the system, or make a tool to do so. |
Fuego_release_1.0.9-notes | 35 | should make plot API much easier, or at least document the rules better |
Test_Specs_and_Plans | 109 | should specify location of the test spec file in the test package. |
Test_Specs_and_Plans | 38 | the Fuego system should handle this, by examining the |
log_compare | 164 | the log_compare and function_log_compare pages should be merged |
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