KernelCI Notes

Here is some miscellaneous information about KernelCI.

discussion about kernelci test schema [edit section]

See the message thread at:

Milo Casagrande wrote:

[KernelCI test schema] doesn't store raw outputs or logs directly in the schema.

The test schema includes an "attachment" sub-schema that can be used to define where those outputs/files are stored. We have a separate system ( that is used to "archive" artifacts from the build/boot and potentially from the test phases.

We don't rely on the build/boot/test system (Jenkins in this case) to handle that: we extract what we need and store it where we need it. You could even store it somewhere else and point the attachment to the correct URL, then it's up to a visualization implementation to handle that.


"parameters" is used to store something like the environment variables set and their values, command line options passed, etc.

Daniel wrote about Fuego's schema and intentions:

Milo responded with more information:

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KernelCI json examples [edit section]

kernelci test output [edit section]

This is for hackbench:

kernelci testsuite [edit section]

kernelci testset [edit section]