Markup Mapping

This page describes the mapping from tbwiki markup language to reStructuredText for the conversion of documentation to Sphynx and readthedocs. (see Issue_0046)

mapping [edit section]

headers [edit section]

 item               |   tbwiki            |  reStructuredText
                    |                     |
                    |                     |  =========
1st level heading   | = Heading 1 =       |  Heading 1
                    |                     |  =========
                    |                     |
2nd level heading   | == heading 2 ==     |  Heading 2
                    |                     |  =========
                    |                     |
3rd level heading   | === Heading 3 ===   |  Heading 3
                    |                     |  ---------
                    |                     |
4th level heading   | ==== Heading 4 ==== |  Heading 4
                    |                     |  `````````
                    |                     |

inline markup [edit section]

item     |   tbwiki          |  reStructuredText
         |                   |
bold     |  '''bold'''       |   **bold**
         |                   |
italic   |  ''italic''       |   *italic*
         |                   |
link     |  http://foo       |   http://foo
         |                   |
anchor   |       ??          |  .. _name:
         |                   |
link     |                   |  :ref:`name`
         |                   |
page     |  [[Page Name]]    |
         |                   |
bullet   |   * item          | * item
         | (first level must | (first level must follow an empty line)
         |  be indented)     |
         |                   |

blocks and quoted [edit section]

item         |   tbwiki                       |  reStructuredText
             |                                |
block        | {{{                            | previous para::
             |    indented                    |    indented
             |      content                   |      content
             | }}}                            | previous indentation level
             |                                |(exact match not found yet)
             |                                | previous para::
colored      | {{{#!YellowBox                 |    content
block        |     content                    | previous indentation level
             | }}}                            |
             |                                |
labeled      |                                |
offset block |  (not available)               | .. note:: content in note block
             |                                |

links [edit section]

item         |   tbwiki                       |  reStructuredText
             |                                |
URL          |            | ``_
             |                                |
URL with     | [[|Example]] | `Example`_
cover text   |                                |
             |                                |
internal     | [[#Section Name]]              | `Section Name`_
             |                                |
page         | [[Page Name]]                  | :ref:`Page Name`_
             |                                |
define       | (not available)                | .. _new_label:
anchor       |                                |
             |                                |
define       | (not available)                | `Example`_
URL separate |                                |     ...
from cover   |                                |
text         |                                | .. _Example:
             |                                |
             |                                |

Macros and directives [edit section]

item         |   tbwiki                       |  reStructuredText
             |                                |
include      | {{Include(page-or-ref)}}       | .. include: included-file.txt
             |                                |