Issue 0033
- Summary
- Add missing tests from Matrix.official
- Owner
- Tim
- Reporter
- Tim
- Status
- open
- Priority
- high
Description [edit section]
There are additional tests, in JTA format, that Cogent was apparently using, that are not in Fuego.The following tests are mentioned in Matrix.Official, which was a Jenkins job included in JTA.
- Benchmark.blobsallad
- Benchmark.bonnie
- Benchmark.CustomerScreens (don't have)
- Benchmark.Dhrystone
- Benchmark.fio
- Benchmark.ftest-gdi (don't have)
- Benchmark.GLMark
- Benchmark.gtkperf
- Benchmark.himeno (unknown status)
- Benchmark.Interbench
- Benchmark.IOzone
- Benchmark.iperf
- Benchmark.Java
- Benchmark.linpack
- Benchmark.lmbench2
- Benchmark.nbench-byte
- Benchmark.netperf
- Benchmark.nve (unknown status)
- Benchmark.OpenSSL
- Benchmark.reboot
- Benchmark.Stream
- Benchmark.tiobench
- Benchmark.unixbench
- Benchmark.Whetstone
- Benchmark.xscreensavers (don't have)
- Functional.busybox (don't have)
- Functional.bzip2
- Functional.expat
- Functional.fontconfig
- Functional.ft2demos
- Functional.glib
- Functional.jpeg
- Functional.libpng
- Functional.LTP.Devices
- Functional.LTP.Filesystem
- Functional.LTP.Open_Posix
- Functional.OpenSSL
- Functional.pcre
- Functional.python (don't have)
- Functional.SQLite3 (don't have)
- Functional.zlib
Notes [edit section]
Put other free-form comments or notes here
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